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OSN 9800 M24 is a next-generation ultra-large capacity, high integration, and optoelectronic OTN/WDM product developed based on new software and hardware platforms. It is applicable to backbone and metro networks. This product has combined a compact design of the OptiX OSN 1800 series and a large capacity of the OSN 9800 U series. Thanks to its innovative slot splitting technology, OSN 9800 M24 supports two types of boards: 11 U and 5 U. 11 U boards are interchangeable with boards of OSN 9800 U series and investment protection. 5.5 U boards feature a small size, low power consumption, high integration, flexible configuration, and easy installation. It is the industry's most compact 1T-per-slot OTN platform, enabling smooth evolution towards beyond 100G. OSN 9800 M24 adopts an optical-electrical integration design, and enables flexible combinations of various optical and electrical boards on a unified platform. It is noted for its industry-leading ponder integration, full coverage from 100G to 600G, high performance, programmable rates, and flexible access for small- and large-granularity services.
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