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The PTN 900 series features next-generation multi-service access devices oriented to packet transport applicable to the access side of carrier networks. Product highlights include a compact design, flexible installation, and easy Operations and Maintenance (O&M). With benefits such as any media access, synchronization, and management, PTN 900 can work with other products to form an E2E packet transport network, reducing network construction and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), and improving service deployment and network O&M efficiency.
Erinnerung: Sehr geehrter Nutzer, um die Integrität der Software zu schützen, wird die Unternehmenswebsite für den technischen Support im Jahr 2024 schrittweise die Funktion des „Allgemeinen Downloads“ von Softwarepaketen über den Browser deaktivieren und auf den „ICS Lite“-Download umstellen (der eine automatische Signaturüberprüfungsfunktion bietet).
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Note: This is an automatic approval process. After the application is approved, the users have the permission to download the software package of the corresponding product version within seven days.